KISS: Keep it simple stupid. Navigation is the very backbone of any web site. It could mean the difference between a repeat visitor and one that doesn't get past the home page. Clear and logical navigation won't only help your visitors find what's on your web site. Search engines
will also need to find their way around.
Smart Website Navigation
There are many possible systems for web site navigation. There are a few that Internet users have come to recognize easily. These are probably your best choices. Drop down menus are easy to use because they mimic Windows Menus. Left hand menus are also popular and self-explanatory. Remember, with very few exceptions, we were taught to read from top to bottom, from left to right.
Using JavaScript for Navigation
JavaScript menu systems can be interesting and easy to use. However, there is some debate as to search engines and their ability to follow JavaScript. If you do decide to use a menu coded in JavaScript (JS), make sure you are using other types of links so that search engines can spider your entire web site. BrotherCake has a very good, accessible JavaScript menu system for sale at a reasonable price. There's also free dropdown menu available from the same website. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are an excellent alternative to using JS.
Make Use of Text Links
Link text as web site navigation has an increasingly important role in the search engine theatre. Spiders read the link text and use this information to determine what the target page is about. Each page is judged partially on the text that links to it. Search engines aside, clear textual links are more helpful to Internet users. "Click Here" doesn't mean much to your visitors. "Web Design Resource" gives a pretty clear picture of what to expect from the link destination.
Avoid Orphan Pages
An orphan page is one that a user can get to, but they can't get back from. This can be the result of an HTML code error or poorly thought out website planning. More importantly, this kind of blunder can cost you visitors. Make sure to check all of the links within your web site. Each page should be linked to the others and to the home page.