A web site with a stylish and helpful layout will help your visitors find the information that they're looking for. Color or font combinations can direct attention to important areas of the page. Most importantly, the style of your web site reflects on your organization's image; for better or worse.
Style Can Be Effective
A web site designed with classic style and simplicity will create an appealing atmosphere. Layout and colors that are pleasing to the eye will set your visitors at ease and prevent confusion. What do I mean by classic style? A style that is elegant and timeless, that will still look great ten years from now.
Bad Style Can Do Damage
Avoid the temptation to do anything too "unique" with your website. While it may be terribly creative, it may not be all that helpful. Years of reading instruction and exposure to print media have led folks to have a certain set of expectations. Anything that would be contrary to those expectations could have a negative impact.
Strive for Consistency
Color, design and layout should be very consistent throughout your web site. Visitors may become confused or frustrated by unexpected changes. Also, consider the Rule of Three. No more than three different colors or fonts should be used in any web site design. In many cases,
two is enough. This gives your image a unified, logical appearance.