I heard about Wix.com, on the radio, advertising free websites with beautiful designs. So my alter ego and I registered for an account and started a free website. I would like to share with you what I found out.
This is a nice sales pitch for Drupal in General. It is done very nicely - clearly and succinctly. Sometimes it is difficult to explain what Drupal is to a non-technical user. There are a couple good aspects explained here.
Here is an article explaining why Wordpress is for blogs and not full websites. I get questions about this all the time. I agree with this author. It is a very simple and easy way for a non-technical user to have a website that they can manage on their own. However, I can't see how it works well as a full-fledged platform.
There are always the do-it-yourself types. If you are one who prefers to save some cash by implementing your own website, then using pre-designed website templates may be your cup of tea. Professional web designers may also wish to use a website template in order to save money for a client.